2023 - Year in Review

We achieved quite a lot this year thanks to our amazing volunteers. The two big projects were fixing our shed and transforming the main entrance to the cemetery.

The Shed

The shed roof had dozens of leaks which left the floor one large messy puddle throughout winter. When a couple of shed companies quoted us thousands of dollars to fix, Peter, one of our volunteers thought he could actually fix it for a lot cheaper, and he did! For the first time we have a clean dry shed!

Once the shed roof had been fixed we decided to lay a new concrete floor. Only part of the shed had a concrete floor the rest was soil which as you can imagine was horrendous with a leaking roof. Every winter the shed was a muddy mess. We also sealed the entire shed as part of the shed only had half walls leaving it open to the elements and a security risk.

Once the shed was fully sealed to the elements, we installed lights (yes the shed never had lights)and new power points.

We then lined part of the shed wall (with lining donated by the electrician who installed the lights and power points) and created a space to hang all the gardening tools. Our shed is now clean and dry and a much safer workspace for our volunteers.

The Hedge

After consulting with the business that we had booked to try and tame the hedge at the main entrance, we made the decision to have it completely removed. The hedge was planted in the late 1980’s and it had been neglected and allowed to grow out of control, it was difficult to maintain. It was also traffic hazard creating a blind corner and it was causing damp issues in the cemetery residence. Its removal instantly transformed the main entrance to the cemetery showcasing the historical Lodge building. The beautiful fence was built in a matter of days thanks to Dion and Mitch.

Also in 2023 we …

  • Received a grant from the Department of Health for a brand new zero turn lawnmower

  • Installed a swing under the oak tree which has proven to be extremely popular

  • Installed numerous Rosella, Kookaburra and Wood Duck nesting boxes

  • Planted a further 28 trees including an avenue of ornamental pear trees along the entire front fence of the cemetery

  • Continued the mapping project that aims to map every grave in every section of cemetery

  • Repaired drainage in some sections of the cemetery, this project will continue into 2024

  • In May a film crew from Mezzanine films spent the night at the cemetery filming a movie 

  • Leveled the ground in sections F , G, and K to assist in ground maintenance 

  • Unfortunately we had to spend some of our money on installing a number of security cameras around the cemetery due to consistent and targeted vandalism at specific grave sites including the theft of a headstone which has now been replaced.

  • Updated and re-printed our leaflet and cemetery map

  • Installed new information sign at front of the historical Cemetery Lodge

  • Commenced work on a new Pioneer Memorial garden that will be unveiled early 2024

  • Continued with the restoration work of the Cemetery Lodge and original map - works on the Lodge will be completed in 2024

  • Relocated a very old headstone of little James Cowling back to correct grave 

  • Located an old Chinese headstone half buried being used as part of a retaining wall, managed to have it translated thanks to the Golden Dragon Museum and found the correct grave and placed it back 

  • Placed wine barrel pot plants along main entrance drive

  • Repainted all the section signs 

And a huge thank you to those in our community who donated bulbs, shrubs, trees, 6 beautifully made tree surrounds, and a number of cash donations totaling  $ 1,100

We have a lot planned for 2024, thanks for your support this year


2024 - Year in review


Memorial Bird Boxes